Sunday, February 18, 2024

My Funny (Crummy) Valentine(s)

Well, peeps.

You’ve probably gathered from my lack of posting that it’s been a bit of a roller coaster week (again) for us.

In fact, my crew has been so topsy-turvy that it’s hard to believe just last Sunday was a glorious, family-centric Super Bowl evening. Oh, how the days have changed us.

It began last Tuesday when my poor Chicklet bit the germ dust. Fever, insane headache, congestion, blah, blah. She was puny. And home with me.

When she remained puny and her fever hung around throughout the day, we went to the pediatrician and a viral panel popped positive for coronavirus—but not the official Covid. So random. 

Alas…she was also down and out the rest of that evening when Little Man was busy putting together his class Valentines and Valentine box.

(He went with a fun soccer theme this year and his baggie of goodies was super cute. All happy things.)

The next morning, Valentine’s Day dawned and my sleepy boy was cute and excited as he hauled his goods to school—along with Chicklet’s, since she was stuck home, again. :(

After doing the school drop-offs, I brought home some Chick-fil-A to brighten Chicklet’s mood. It was such a bummer for her to miss out on her class fun. Thankfully, there was a little surprise waiting inside our food had. Just look at these stinking-adorable biscuits!

My girl and I spent a decently low-key day, stuck again in the sick cocoon. Despite the illness messing up some plans, I was able to get some things done around the house—and spend some quality time with my Chicklet…reading some Harry!

By afternoon, she was feeling a bit better—and her brother’s delivery of class Valentines gave her a boost, as well. :)

We had some fun gifts for the kiddos to open later than evening, and the final boost to Chicklet’s mood was this Crookshanks stuffed animal I’d hidden in a closet for two years until we got to this very spot in the book. It was so fun to finally hand it over and make my sick Valentine feel extra-special. :)

On Thursday, there was a slight germ reprieve to allow everybody to make it to school. Woohoo! It was Rodeo Day (always a beloved event), and I was so happy to be up there for a round of volunteering during Little Man’s allotted Rodeo fun. I think I was just happy to be out of our Sick House. 

Just look how stinking cute this pic is. I die.

Coda puppy always looks giant when the kiddos hold her at that angle, but she’s still a stinking tiny, five pound nugget who snags all the attention, ha. (And she needs another haircut! Ha.)

So…we made it to Friday, and I thought we might be in the clear, germ-wise. And I was feeling pretty high on life when Chicklet’s new glasses arrived and we were able to snag them before closing.

BIG, major milestone! It’s been sooooooo fun seeing her acclimate to them this weekend, and you can definitely expect a gratuitous glasses post sometime in the future.

Anywho. Back to Friday…

Poor Chica came home from school that day with a 102.4 temp, and she was just down and out.

I’d love to say she spent the weekend recovering, but she mostly spent it getting worse. :(

We took her to urgent care for a strep test (and other tests) today, and it was negative. So…uggggh. This is just more viral plague. Likely the same as Chicklet’s. 
But my dear eldest is so down and out, she was sobbing from ear pain at bedtime and is currently my bed buddy for the night so I can keep her dosed up and help her get a tiny bit of rest.

She’s always a massive trooper when she’s sick, so for this to take her out, she’s got to be feeling pretty dang crummy.

So there you have it. A condensed version of our ups and downs of Valentine week.

A weird one.

And I’m pretending like I’m not feeling a bit congested, so we might be up for yet another weird week.

Thank goodness the kiddos are off school tomorrow, so we can continue to recover.

More catch-up posts mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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