Monday, February 5, 2024

Sporting Good(s) Quality Time

Okay, peeps.

I really should have done one of those meme-worthy How It Started versus How It’s Going kind of posts with this round of home projects we’re traversing, because I’ve got a lot of stories to tell.

Needless to say, nothing is ever as quick or as easy (or as inexpensive, ha) as it appears.

But I fully acknowledge this is “stress” of our own making, and I’m still grateful to be tackling these proprojects—even if it means January and February of this year will go down as a bit of a discombobulated blur.

All that said…we’re so close to the end, and the garage is one of our major finish line items. 

I’ll share more in the way of an official Garage Makeover when it’s all complete, but the Cliff’s Notes is this:

The garage was a heinous mess—partly because it just was, and partly, because it sustained damage when we had our water disaster in 2021 (man, three years, now!).


As we’ve been giving it the overhaul it so badly needs, I’ve been on a quest to organize the ever-loving you know-what-out-of-it. And yesterday’s task was assembling a sports equipment organizer I purchased. Woohoo!

Quick pause for a sneak peek of the shelves we had built to store my buckets. Obnoxious, I know, but this sort of hyper-organization thing makes my heart go pitter-pat. Also—that’s the replacement door that will lead from the kitchen to the patio (hopefully, to be installed tomorrow):

Okay, I’m back…

Now. The most important and FANTASTIC thing about this sports equipment organizer is that I casually lured my boy outside to help me assemble it and it was the BEST stolen quality time for my Little Man-loving heart.

That face, I die.

It’s no secret that I struggle to find as much concentrated time with my boy right now, because the girlies’ homework requirements are just so much more intense (thus, naturally syphoning more of my time). So I’m always, always, always looking for ways to steal away special time with my boy. 

I mean, I’m not saying I’m hoping for him to get sick and have to be home with me, but… ;)



It was sooooo glorious to lure him into the garage and really set him to work with task after task. We built this thing 50/50, and he took such pride in doing equal work.

Zoom in a bit on the concrete and you can see the first layer of epoxy that’s on the floors (again, soooo much more on that, later).

Taking it for a test drive once the wheels were on…

Pause for a round of silly selfies when I asked him to grab my phone, ha. It HURTS me how old he’s getting. My baaaaaaaaaaby.

Also, please note the Harry Potter-like forehead wound he’s currently rocking—and enjoying a little too much, ha. He’s all boy.

There we go. The requested mother/son selfie. :)

And more covert ones, ha.

In the end, I seriously LOVED having special time with him assembling this thing. The bonus was just the tidy organization. No more storing all our random odds and ends in the wheelbarrow!


I feel like every day is full of lots of fun things to report, but so little time to report them, so here’s hoping I can find time to share more, mañana!

Over and out. 

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