Saturday, March 23, 2024

Chicklet’s 10th Birthday Party!

Okay, peeps.

We’ve been fortunate enough to host some memorable kiddo get-togethers at our casa over the years, but last night was definitely one for the books.

In honor of Chicklet’s 10th birthday (ugh; I can’t, EVEN), we planned a super casual, pizza and pajamas party for a handful of her friends. 

The idea was to make it something easy breezy that would take advantage of the cozy, refreshed playroom environment—with the side benefit of feeling kinda like a sleepover without actually being a sleepover.

And holy goodness, was it a blockbuster SUCCESS.

I gotta give my girl some major credit, here, for assembling just the sweetest, silliest group of happy, rowdy girls. She was very intentional about the dynamic amongst them all, and she SLAYED IT.

It was as an absolutely joy, joy, joy to listen to them play and giggle, blow off steam, and just really enjoy the time together.

In fact, they were having so much silly fun, they only sat to recharge and refuel while watching something for about half an hour, ha.

My soon-to-be birthday girl was so stinking exhausted from partying so hard by the time it was all over that I had to help her shower at the end of the night. 

Birthday mission ACCOMPLISHED.

(More in another post about Chicklet’s new bed the hubby and I just barely managed to assemble before midnight on Thursday, ha.)

You know, it was an absolute marathon to prep for this party during the day on Friday, after a busy week and just a lot going on, which seems to be our life norm in these years.

But I had a moment during the party, listening to the musical laughter of all these cuties pies, when I looked at the hubby at said: this is what it’s all for.

So many other catchup posts to tackle soon. And more birthday fun is also on the horizon.

Until then…happy weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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