Friday, March 8, 2024

Joy Triggers—March Style!

Okay, peeps.


Spring Break is heeeeeeeere!


We’re going on a family adventure (!), but not until the second half of the break, and I gotta say: I’m just as excited about our handful of down days before our departure as I am for our adventure!

I went to the doctor again today for a follow up on my ears before we’ll be flying, and it was fascinating to get a bit more information about my infection.

Turns out, it was this kind of rare infection called bullous myringitis. Doc has only seen a couple cases in nearly a decade. Basically, tiny blisters form inside the ear that then rupture.

The underlying ear infections have cleared, but the blisters are still healing. The doc can still see one that hasn’t ruptured yet, which accounts for the lingering twinges of pain.


Anywho. I’ll be fine to fly, just maybe a bit uncomfortable. And it will likely be awhile before all my hearing returns. But there you have it. 

We still have no clue what virus or bacterial infection (among the mannnny that have gone through our household) launched this, but it was helpful to have a follow-up and a bit more context before traveling.


In the spirit of being SO. DANG. HAPPY. that Spring Break is upon us, I want to share some joy triggers from this past week! Little things that have made me smile.

First up…with the coldest weather behind us, the kiddos have been in a steadier tennis lesson groove this past month, and the sunsets during their Monday lessons have been stunning:

It’s one of my favorite decompression times to sit up there (at our neighborhood rec center; a decent elevation) and tackle things in the wide open/fresh air.

Next up…it felt like a minor miracle, but the hubby and I played hookey from life for a few hours on Tuesday and escaped for a lunchtime MOVIE DATE!

We re-watched the first movie last week in preparation (I loved it even more than when it first came out), and this second installment was massive and epic. 

I feel like it’s so rare these days to have these types of enormous, sweeping, unique movies, which make them all the more thrilling when they come around.

I’m blind to the original novel content that sparked these, so it’s extra exciting to see all the plot lines unfold.

It was a fantastic way to escape for a few hours, and I was grateful we managed it. :)

Next up…silly selfies. My Chicklet is in a groove of stealing my phone at times I’m unaware, and leaving these hysterical pics on it. It makes me smile every, dang time, tehe:

Also…she’s still an anti-picture taker on most days, so getting any kind of shot—silly or not—makes it extra fun, ha:

Next…the ongoing JOY of our backyard turf, and the way it’s absolutely transformed our space into a usable, fantastic, peaceful, secluded PLAY SPACE.

With so many areas cleaned up, leveled out, free of space-taking shrubs and vines, and covered in non-muddy, beauuuuutiful green, we’re out there all the time.

Our front yard is roomy and happy, so Little Man has always been able to play soccer out there, but I don’t let him be there unattended because of the cars and the way he might dive into the street to grab a runaway ball.

So having this gated backyard space be more usable and safe for him is wonderful.

He’s a happy, happy, yard-playing boy. :)

Next up: my giant planters. We’re trying something new this year and utilizing some massive planters on the porch and one in a flower bed. Only time will tell if they flourish or whither and die, but I was proud to haul all the heavy bags and big plants and get them situated myself. :)

Shout out to Aunt Nancy for this one…I finally, FINALLY—after more than a decade of begging family members with sewing skills to help a migraine-sufferer out—have found a sleep mask I can PURCHASE instead of create, and it feels like a cloud on my face. THE. JOY. It’s a pricey eye mask, though, so I’ll have to bide my time to secure a backup. ;)

And on the sleep front…we’re still getting things situated in our primary bedroom after finally purchasing new furniture (three years after our previous furtnitue was water damaged in our disaster), and it is beyyyyyyyyond joyful to have such a vastly different vibe in there, and to be loving it SO MUCH. I’ll share pics when it’s settled, but here’s a bit of the fun:

Next…my stinking beloved Coda puppy, who has entirely wormed her way into my life until I can no longer imagine it without her. She brings me JOY. (And, absolutely, a whooole lot less free time.)

I’m already dreading being away from her when we go out of town, but it will also be nice to be able to devote uninterrupted time to only my human children.

I’ll share a post someday soon with all things puppy updates—including Coda’s updated bathroom situation (which is a good thing!), but in the meantime, enjoy her cuteness. :)

I have sooooo many more joy triggers every day that help to counteract the craziness of our life and the mood swings of the kiddos, the ongoing viral plague and the responsibilites of life, and I’m thankful for every single one of them.

Okay, more later as I tackle some catchup posts.

Happy Spring Break, peeps!

Over and out. 

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