Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April Glamour Shots

Okay, peeps.

I have a slew of happy, happy, joy, joy pics that are all beautiful, without any central theme—except, maybe, springtime/outdoor/vibrancy, ha.

First up: Coda puppy, so happy to be outdoors with us while we assembled some chairs, but still jumping and begging to be uncaged.

Next: this VERY hungry caterpillar, who was so glorious and coolio to look at, but absolutely destroyed my shrub! I had to relocate him to the lower tier before he munched the whole thing away! It was wild how much he consumed in a short period of time…just like the beloved children’s book.

Next up: classic, Prickly Pear Cacti, in bloom. Hostile but so very beautiful.

Next: my beautiful boy, in concentration mode at his last soccer game. This pic is so perfectly him—especially the way he’s holding those fingers of his.

One of Little Man’s buddies on the team has a mother who dabbles in photography and took these shots that I adore. This one, below, is cropped closer than the original, but I couldn’t help zooming in on my handsome boys. :)

These next few totally crack me up. Chica was waiting for me in her room. We were about to read Harry, and she stole my glasses and my phone and took these hysterical pics on my phone before I got in there. All I can say is SLAY. I found them later that night in my camera roll after Chica was asleep, tehe.

Also: who doesn’t look amazing in my ridiculous, fluorescent orange glasses that I still love so much?

Next up: my newest fig, that I adopted just recently, has sprouted for the first time, and that’s always a happy sign that it’s acclimating. But this one is sprouting FOUR leaves at once, and the most I’ve ever had is three. Ah-MAH-zing! It’s ridiculous how much joy my fiddle leaf figs still bring me.

And last, but not least, since it’s one of my faves of this bunch: yesterday morning, Chicklet noticed the most beautiful sunrise through the living room windows, and it was a beautiful moment. I lurv that my children notice these things, because I notice these things, and make it a point to stop and smell the roses, and encourage them to join in.

An attitude of gratitude, and acknowledgment of allllll the beautiful things is such a happy thing. Especially when we’re in the midst of our spring season of insanity.

More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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