Sunday, April 14, 2024

Little Man’s Soccer Season—Spring 2024!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

Yesterday was a doozy

An all day Confirmation river retreat (Chica), soccer game and practice (Little Man—plus the hubby, who’s coaching!), a roller skating bday party (Chicklet), a pool bday part (Chica, straight on the heels of the retreat), and two exhausted parents who fell into bed like a ton o’ bricks.

It’s all joyful things, and happy, full social lives—for the kiddos, especially—but…I’M TIRED. The hubby is tired! The days go by in a whirlwind! And with the final push of the school year upon us, it ain’t slowin’ down anytime soon.

That’s probably why Little Man is already two weekends into his soccer season and I’m just now posting about it. Oye. 

I give you…my happy, sweaty, fútbol boy!

A full shot, now, cleats and all. ;)

So…it’s absolutely not new news that my boy loves soccer. He’s dabbled in it for years—as young as a cute little program at his preschool.

For the past year, he’s participated in an after-school (at his school) soccer program on Thursdays that he lurvs.

He hops in the car all red-cheeked and dripping sweat, with a big ol’ smile on his face. And it’s been such a joy for him to be in that Thursday program with several of his school buddies.


Several Mama friends and I decided to take it up a notch (since these boys love all the soccer, all the time, even-and-always every day at recess), and enroll them in an official soccer season together, outside of school.

Talk about the cutest little gaggle of boys. They were thrilled to make it on a team together—with the hubby coaching, no less.

We’ve participated in several sporting seasons through this particular organization—both basketball and soccer. In fact, let’s take a look at the cutie pie girlies back in the day, when they were the ones playing, hehe:

It’s always so seamless, with practices right before the games, and manageable seasons of just a couple months. It’s the perfect, inexpensive, organized way to wade into these sporting adventures.

This round, the games take place at a new-to-us park out in Bulverde, and I’ve gotta say—I really love the drive out there. It’s so peaceful and rural.

I have a feeling this is going to be nothing but fun and smiles for my boy and his buddies, and I’m so grateful we were able to work this into our already-hectic springtime schedule.

This next six weeks or so will be a marathon. The end of the school year—particularly May—tends to feel like one massive go-go-go push.

But it’s so exciting to know that the flip side of that is SUMMER.

Okay. A few more pics to close things out.

More catch-up posts over the next few days, peeps!

Over and out. 

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