Friday, April 12, 2024

A Fundraising Night Out

Okay, peeps.

I have about 2,743 catch-up posts I need to log, and life busyness still afoot, so I’m not sure when I’ll get to them!

But instead of backing up to share oodles of things I’ve missed, I’ll just try to stay current with my happenings from last night.

One of my dear Barre friends is involved in a local women’s charity that provides free prenatal care and counseling for expectant mothers in need or facing crises.

This friend of mine was set to help emcee the annual fundraising event for this organization, and rallied all of us Barre ladies to participate. The event involved Bingo (!), silent auctions, raffle prizes and some yummy food, and the theme was Denim & Divas, ha.

Our crew of rowdy ladies enjoyed a table of honor right at the very front is the whole shebang, and it was so nice to shake things up and see everyone in real clothes (with a Texas lean) and not yoga leggings, ha.

If you know me at all, you might be aware that I am NOT a denim gal. Like, at all. Nor am I a western wear kind of gal. I don’t own fringe or cowboy boots, or even a denim jacket, ha. So the best I could do and still feel like myself was a chambray shirt tied over my lovely dress.

Here’s a garage mirror selfie, tehe:

My friend in the cowgirl hat (below) is the one who was serving as a Bingo emcee. All of the raffle and Bingo prizes were designee handbags—woohoo! I didn’t win anything, but two of my Barre friends, did!

I’m happy I was able to make this happen on a school night, and I’m hopeful the event raised a lot of money for a worthy endeavor.

Okay. LOTS more to catch up on in posts over the weekend…hopefully!

Happy Friday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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