Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Chica’s Confirmation

Okay, peeps. 

We marked an amazing milestone this weekend—Chica’s Confirmation and first communion!—that was the result of so much time, work, and faith.

I could not be prouder of my girl for handling all the Wednesday sessions, Sunday School lessons, memory verses, sermon notes, Pastoral interviews (!) and retreats with such grace.

It was a lot of effort—but, undoubtedly, the best and most important effort of her young adult life. And I truly believe she came out the other side with a better understanding of the faith she’s now old enough and knowledgeable enough to claim as her own.

It was so wonderful to watch her soak in the happiness and levity of the celebration—with the bonus of all three grandparents in town to mark the occasion. :)

Okay…picture palooza with some minor commentary:

I love these grandmother pics, below. The men were off at Little Man’s soccer game (because we’re nothing if not schedule-packed multitaskers!) until right before the service. But it was kind of lovely to have this generational, female-driven vibe before leaving the house. :)

The most beautiful bonus of the event that started the waterworks for Nanna and I before the service even began, came from our first glance of the program…

The processional song for the Confirmands was “Lift High the Cross,” which was my father’s funeral song. It holds great meaning for my mother, brothers and I, and it’s no mere coincidence that it played as part of this very special service.

More awe-inspiring, yet—at one point during the service, Little Man was doodling the name of his soccer team on a piece of paper and Nanna looked over to me and whispered: “who named his team?” I told her that Little Man himself named the team, and her eyes got wider, still, as the chosen name—Fireballs—was the name of my father’s soccer team when he played recreationally, and the name my father also gave the teams he coached for my brothers.

Grandpa Jim vibes were strong for this beautiful milestone, and I’m so grateful to God for sending these blessings that allowed my own father to be on my mind and in my heart as I watched my eldest proclaim her faith.

In turn, each of the 55 Confirmands knelt before Pastor for a blessing and the most incredible, personalized words regarding each of their chosen Bible verses.

Chica’s chosen verse was:

Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still.

I adore that she connected with this verse, and I started crying the moment Pastor referenced its parallel to one of my all-time favorite worship songs that’s called “Battle Belongs.”

The chorus goes…

So when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh, God, the battle belongs to you.
And every fear I lay at your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh, God, the battle belongs to you.

Even Pastor got emotional as he spoke of this song and these words, and it was beautiful to smile like a fool during my happy tears, knowing that there are no coincidences in life.

These pictures were taken by a photographer the church provided and I find them so lovely. 

Following all these verse blessings Pastor led communion for the newly Confirmed.

The sacrament was handled in small groups so that families could join their child at the altar and participate. Bless Chicklet for even hobbling up there on her crutches to be with our family unit. 

It was just a beautiful, thoughtful service from start to finish.

At home, we showered Chica was some gifts and a giant chocolate cake of her choosing, and it was just a lovely way to wrap up the celebration.

This all happened on Saturday, and then on Sunday, the final responsibility for the Confirmands involved a presentation (meaning, they walked out and were celebrated) at each of our three church services, before—whew!—Confirmation was complete!

This had been such a journey, and, honestly, a learning curve for our whole family and was wade through this process at our SA with our eldest.

But I’m so grateful for the many blessings and for the foundational faith I know my girl has established, and that’s the best and blessed I could ask for!

Many (many!) catch-up post in coming days!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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