Friday, May 3, 2024

Chicklet’s Avulsion Fracture

Okay, peeps.

Our Friday sort of went off the rails, and this is the highlight (lowlight)?


That’s Chicklet.

In a half cast.

With crutches.

On the day I was also in urgent care for the latest viral plague (that is not, in fact, strep throat, as I feared, since Little Man came down with it last weekend).

For the record, we’re supposed to be launching Chica’s glorious Confirmation/first communion weekend, and we have all three grandparents in town for the occasion, so the timing of sick ick and FRACTURES is not ideal.

But let’s focus on poor Chicklet.

The school nurse called around 2 pm, and I assumed it was more of the viral ick that I’m battling. But, nope. 

Chicklet had an accident in PE and was pretty darn injured. She was tackling an obstacle course and jumping off a mat, over another mat, to make it to the landing zone, but…her foot didn’t travel with her. It got stuck, pulled (and maybe popped, as she suggested), and was in a bad way.

We headed to an orthopedic urgent care not too far away, and, luckily, we were able to be seen within a decent amount of time.

Chicklet was in so much pain and discomfort, she didn’t have enough mobility in her foot to pose for perfect x-rays. But the doctor suspects two avulsion fractures, which I had to look up…

Not great.

She endured a considerable amount of pain so they could set the foot in a half cast (to allow for swelling over the next couple of days). They got her foot as close to 90 degrees as they could. :(

And she was as a total champ with the news of crutches for the time being.

We’ll be heading back to our pediatric ortho next week for another round of x-rays when the swelling goes goes down and we can get a better look.

Until then…the next few weeks have just gone a bit topsy turvy.

It’s doing to take a few days for this incident and all the ramifications to sink in, but…I suppose this, too, shall pass. As evidenced by the following, which we also lived through:

Silver linings?

1) More adults in the casa means more TLC.
2) It was pajama day at school, so…comfy ER clothes.

Okay, more mañana, peeps. The NyQuil is kicking in!

Over and out. 

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