Saturday, May 11, 2024

MAYhem And Mandalas

Okay, peeps.

I’m just gonna keep it real, here, and say that this past week for our household has been incredibly tough.

Chica was home sick one afternoon with sinus infection gunk…

Little Man fell ill with a fever and was home for two full days…

Coda puppy came down with a double ear infection, and needed a last-minute vet appointment…

Our follow-up ortho appointment with Chicklet’s doctor confirmed a torn ligament and an avulsion fracture. She was home two different days due to the injury and her appointments…

And…I finally had my breakdown on Thursday night, as I was packing up for an 11-hour Friday field trip, as a chaperone for Chica’s orchestra and choir competition, followed by hours (and hours) at a giant water park.

By the time I made it home last night, waded through a few loads of laundry, dinner, bathing Chicklet (who needs nightly assistance because of her cast), I basically fell into a coma.

May is always brutal, thanks to all the added responsibilities, commitments, school pressures, events and life happenings, but this year has been next level.

I’ll share another post sometime soon about the ramp up that has signified this particular school year for us, but for now…I’ll just share a reprieve that helped me get through some of the insanity this week.

A project.

That’s right: a blessed art project, amidst all the chaos.

On a late-night run for some things the kiddos needed for school, I walked past the craft aisle in Tarjay, knew Little Man would be home again the next day, and grabbed this little craft kit on a whim, hoping it might bring us some joy and distraction on his second sick day.

And, holy goodness, did it.

For all three kiddos (across three different days), this tiny, little art project felt like a deluge of rain after months of drought.

They were all so happy to be painting and creating that it made me so excited for the coming summer months and the time I hope to be able to have—to craft and create and snuggle and fill our cups again while we pause some of the responsibilities.

Until then (just three short weeks from now!), I’ll just enjoy these happy pics of our Mandala Project to help keep me going. :)

It’s so ironic that mandalas are geometric configurations of circles, often meant for calming and concentration (or mediation).


I. Think. Not.

I’ll take any of the calming and concentration I can get!

Okay. More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

My own calming creation. It is was absolutely therapeutic…

I adore that Chica went off script with her final mandala, used her fingers, and titled the finished product: The Galaxy Is Closer Than You Think. Love, LOVE. These babies of mine are starving and perfectly primed for some summer creativity!

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