Friday, May 31, 2024

The School Year Finish Line!


We did it!!!

We made it to the finish line of the 2023-2024 school year, and holy goodness, it was a joy and relief to clear out all the backpacks, wash all the lunch boxes, toss all the broken supplies, and sharpen and store away any usable items.

Both Chicklet and Little Man came home with tears in their eyes.

Chicklet always cries on the last day of school. She’s got such a big heart and feels so sad over the idea of not seeing her friends every, single day.

But Little Man’s tears were a surprise—though I suppose I should have expected them.

One of his closest buddies will be transferring schools next year. The whole crew of friends was pretty distraught when it came time to say goodbye. 

Luckily, all was right and happy after the dust settled and the summer vibes kicked in. :) The younger two got to be lazy while I stepped out with Chica for some shopping I’d promised her (more on that in another post, soon).

I’m so HAPPY to be flipping this switch and transitioning into June/July.

We might continue to be as busy as we have been, but the alarm clocks will relax a tad, and I’ll be grateful for the change in routines and activities.

More catch-up posts mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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