Friday, June 14, 2024

Rolling Paint Project!

Okay, peeps.

It was kind of a milestone moment yesterday afternoon when we had just a tiny bit of mental and space-time continuum bandwidth to tackle…a project!

That’s right. A project.

Those elusive things we used to joyfully tackle several times a week, but rarely have the capacity for anymore.

Ugggggggggh. LIFE.

For the past handful of years, it’s tickled me endlessly to think back on summertime life when my kiddos were babies. I would literally tryyyyyy with all of my heart and soul to come up with something—anything—to keep us busy during the day to break up our monotonous cycle, and now I just laugh. LAUGH. Over the idea of trying to fill my time.

I mean, the hilarity.

These days, it’s a literal miracle when I manage a teeny tiny ounce of “free” time or anything above and beyond the mandatory to-dos.

But it’s been a personal goal of mine to enable some of these “extra” moments over the Summer (we also had a Monday Science Fun Day last week; more on that in another post!), so I’ll take any opportunities we get as a major WIN.

Okay…picture explosion. This one was simple, happy, and an easy way to dip our toes back in the painting water. :)

It involved peanut butter bribery to distract this little nugget:

I sort of love how some of these turned out! They’re definitely my kind of contemporary art. 

The paper curled a bit as they dried overnight, so I’m currently flattening them, and then there might be a chance for them to be displayed somewhere in the house. We’ll see…

I’m just so grateful for any of these opportunities to feel a small tether to our past Summer lives.

Things are constantly morphing and changing as the kiddos continue to age, but these small glimpses of past activities we’ve enjoyed so much mean the world to me—and, I hope, to them!

Okay, more later, peeps!

Over and out. 

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