Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer in Oklahoma: 2024

Hellooooo, peeps, from the flip side of a banner week here in…Oklahoma!

I think my last post was written during the drive up here last Saturday (or maybe the night before?), and then it’s been radio silence because…

I’ve been deep in the weeds of surgery and recovery (not my own; I’m the caretaker!), as Nanna had her knee replacement procedure on Monday!



And, needless to say, our annual Summer trip to Oklahoma looks a little different this year. :)

The hubby, kiddos and puppy drove up with me last Saturday, but the kiddos and Coda have been staying with the other grandparents, just down the road, which has been such a blessing. They’ve been happy, active and cared for, so I can divert my attention elsewhere. And the hubby had to fly back to San Antonio for the week (for work), but is now back with us (woohoo)!

I’m grateful for the village of people it takes to pull off this kind of operation (pun intended), as it’s a lot of moving parts—whether you’re the patient, or the fake nurse (Nanna has likely called me other things behind my back, tehe).

She has been a rockstar and is doing so well, but obviously, this sort of thing is a major deal—especially during these early days.

I didn’t see the kiddos much this week (maybe a quick 45-minute jaunt over to the in-laws’ to get some love and hugs each day), but now, Little Bro, his wife, and my niece are in town (for unrelated events), and Nanna is well enough that a gaggle of us could sneak down the road this morning to the cutest little flower and berry farm.

How I’ve never known it existed in all the years I’ve lived or visited here, I’ll never know!

It was just the thing for this first full day of Summer. A quick hour refilled my cup and it made my heart so happy to be with my crew—plus some—to kick off the day with oodles and gobs of colorful pictures! (You know I love me my pictures.)

So…enjoy the onslaught of them, and more soooooon, peeps, as I’m able!

Over and out. 

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