Sunday, July 21, 2024

Spooky Somethings Are Brewing!

Okay, peeps.

If you know me AT ALL, you know that I’m here for any holiday, anytime, anywhere.

I’m so not that person who gets annoyed with decorations showing up early and often in stores. 

Quite the opposite: it makes me so stinking effervescent with GLEE that I pretty much can’t stand myself. A trait I might have passed along to my kiddos (at least, I hope I have!).

Chica was with me last week in Bath & Body Works when we discovered the first display of Fall candles, and it made me so stinking happy that I felt like exploding into tiny pieces of confetti.

I adore that she gamely posed for a pic on behalf of her crazy mother. :)

Then, yesterday, we made family plans to drive about 20 minutes down the road to a gluten-free/dairy-free farm-to-table restaurant that just happens to be near this home decor store that we check out each holiday season, and…gahhhhhh. This guy came home with us!!

He’d already sold out in all the regional stores and this display was the only one left (already, in JULY!), and we even got a discount!

It’s hard to tell the enormity of him in the pic, so let me give you a taste of how we had to drive to dinner:

It was hysterical and happy and I’m so stinking excited about the upcoming holiday season that I can’t stand it!

Last year, our October-December (well, through May of this year, if we’re being honest…and even then, it hasn’t slowed down) was just a blur. Coda puppy contributed to that feeling, big time, and was definitely one of the reasons our decorations throughout the Fall and Winter were a little less flamboyant than usual.

Already, a month or so ago, I spoke with the hubby about doing it up right this year. And about refreshing some of our Halloween decor at last. And, perhaps, spooking things up a bit more, now that the kiddos are even older.

He readily agreed, we’ve already ordered something massive and amazing from The Home Depot, and I’m going to do my best to soak up every last ounce of it, this year. :)

Now, I’ll leave you with a family pic from last weekend, when we all cozied up for a movie viewing. Coda was there, too. :)

We continue to be all over the map as a household. Some slow/regroup days, and then some insanity days. Today was definitely one of the holy-cow-we’re-handling-so-much-it’s-overwhelming days

But…that’s life! And we’re just rolling with it!

Okay, more mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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