Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Wisconsin Wedding (Birthday)!

Okay, peeps.

I meant to post this 36 hours ago. Alas, I got distracted with our travel home and arrival to our crazies—fur and human. ;)

So…here you have it. Some pics from my cousin’s wedding in Milwaukee on Friday (my birthday!).

It was so, so lovely to see family members I haven’t in ages. And to celebrate the wonderful couple, of course! Side note: I only have one selfie with them; I don’t feel like it’s right to post somebody else’s wedding pics, so these are guest pictures. :)


I love my brothers. And when little bro pulled up a pic of the last wedding we attended together (18 years ago! Another cousin’s wedding), it was clear we’ve aged like fine wine, baha. ;)

(Minor correction: I guess you can count little bro’s own wedding, 12 years ago, ha. We were all at that one.)

With sunglasses…


My aunt’s stunning mother-of-the-groom hair…

A decent number of family members who were all in the vicinity for an impromptu pic…

And, now, a bit of a rewind for pics from early on the day of the wedding…

The hubby’s amazing bakery find! Ever. Single. Thing. Was safe for him to eat. :)

Grateful to have made the quick trip for this special occasion. :)

Feeling just a little antsy, now, despite one extra holiday Monday before we dive in to the week. Coda puppy has her major surgery on Tuesday morning, so it’s heavy on my mind, but…one more day until then!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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