Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Coda’s First Birthday!

Okay, peeps.

It’s hard to believe, but our beloved Coda puppy turned ONE YEAR OLD, yesterday!

And we celebrated by letting gifting her a basket of toys, serenading her (with a candle and ice cream!), awarding her a generous number of training treats for very small reasons, and…ordering her very first Starbucks pup cup!

I seriously could write a gazillion words about what this year with our girl had meant to us, cost us, and done to us, ha. And, as I previously mentioned, Coda has a major surgery coming up in about 10 days, so there will be loads more to say about our girl, soon.

But, for now, I’ll just share some of my favorite pics of our time together (what a challenge to even narrow them down!) and say that I hope we get to celebrate two dozen birthdays with her, because I truly can’t remember what life was like, before she joined our forever family. 

Love, love, LOVE this girl, like crazy. :) It was pretty much love at first sight…beginning with this very first picture we received:


Over and out. 

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