Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Cardboard Coffee Carrier Flowers!

Hellooooo, peeps, from our “snow day” down here in San Antonio!

I know much of this area has received far worse weather than we have, and I certainly hope all those affected are staying safe.

That said, our weather hasn’t been that severe, or much of an inconvenience, to be honest. So we got to enjoy one of those beautiful “freebie” days of holing up indoors, enjoying the gloom and cold, and not feeling overly anxious about conditions.

That rare confluence of circumstances and feelings probably explains our very happy vibe at home today. :)

We enjoyed such a lovely mix of productivity and laziness, and above all, some quality time together. And that made my heart sooooo happy.

Though I had oodles of activities in mind to keep us all busy, it turns out, I didn’t have to try too hard. We naturally used up a ton of time on a smattering of projects and light school work and movie watching and reading. And then, Little Man’s teacher gave us some fantastic inspiration via a special “snow day” worksheet she sent out. It included a handful of activities the kiddos could accomplish for a special prize when they returned to school. And one of the activities Little Man selected was…

Make Something Creative Out Of Recycled Materials 

Totally up our alley—though I had a moment of hesitation over finding some usable recycled materials. Thank goodness for that cardboard coffee carrier that was still sitting on the floorboard of my car, ha. A quick google search of what we might make with it, and…voila!

Cardboard Coffee Carrier Flowers! 

It was such a joy to sit with my babies for a full ninety minutes. We painted, we played music, we sang along, and we got our creative vibes flowing.

Little Man, in particular, was pretty stoked about his colorful background “camo” idea, and he put in the required effort for a beautiful—and colorful!—finished product :)

Here were the online bits of inspiration—officially utilizing egg cartons, so we’ll have to try that route next time.

I would have stolen our egg carton, but we have a few too many eggs still in it for the week, ha.

Still. Easy enough to cut up the cardboard drink carrier…

And then…enjoy! Just being artistic.

I seriously do love how these turned out. Happy colors and a great, three-dimensional look.

This one was mine…

I lurv, lurv how perfectly each finished product represented its artist.

Really, really grateful for such a solid, happy mindset today. We actually tackled a bunch of Valentine fun, as well, but that’s more to share mañana, as the schools are already closed for another day.

Stay safe and warm, peeps!

Over and out. 

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