Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Chicklet’s Tween Bedroom Refresh!

Okay, peeps.

One of the things I both love and loathe about having people over is the cleaning required to make the house presentable, ha.

I’m long past the point of caring that the house is “ready” for everyone, in every situation. But…when there’s a large group (like we had on Friday) and I know they’ll be all over the house (Chicklet and her friend even camped out in our primary bedroom for an hour or so, ha) or when people are coming over who’ve never been, I at least try (key word, here) to make some effort. First impressions, and all.

So, in prep for the Fall kick-off shindig, I had my work cut out for me, oye.

Ironically, the house wasn’t unclean, it was messy—and those are two different things, that require two different modes of attack.

Worse, still, there were a couple of areas—Chicklet’s room being one of them—in a state of flux. Meaning, we’d tackled about 80% of the work to refresh them or reorganize or make changes…and then stalled on the final 20%.

All that to say: having a gaggle of young people over was THE motivator we needed to finally finish up Chicklet’s room refresh!

I’ve shared a couple of in-progress pics, but here are more that I captured when things were all clean and finalized and put together. It goes without saying that I adore the Tween Refresh result, and better yet, it’s soooooo Chicklet (and she ADORES it, too)!

As a reminder…this was her room Before (well, quite a long time ago, but the bones were the same). Rainbows and pastels and all the stuffed animals in the world. :)

What a difference some paint (and, well, a lot of other things) can make:

So…to rewind.

Back in July, around the time I was in the thick of my annual summer purge in prep for the school year, Chicklet came to me with the request to make her room a little more “teenage.”

Of course, at the time, I was inwardly devastated, because—UGH—another of my kids was growing up and out of things they used to love.

But as I noodled over it, I realized it was a prime opportunity for so many things:

Some bonding time with my girl as we designed her space…

The chance to make it reflect more of who she is, now…

And, also, a lovely sign that my middle born is growing and aging, just as all kids do. 

If you can believe it, in the not too distant past, I came across this post from a couple years ago that detailed Chica’s transition into the “tween” stage and mindset. At the time it was all happening, Chica was 10.5 years old:

Welp. Wanna guess how old Chicklet is???

Yup. 10.5 years old.

She’s just at the precipice of a couple years of massive change, and this room refresh feels like the most amazing representation of this next phase.

Of course, yes, it totally hurts sometimes to see the stuffed animals (well, some of them) and toys put away, possibly forever. But all things happen in their own time, it’s not always overnight and irrevocable, and there’s been such joy in Chicklet’s new room, that it definitely counteracts any sadness. :)

If you want a bit more context about the launch of the process and the freaking AMAZING room color that set the dramatic stage for the whole vibe, there’s a bit more information in this post from a couple months ago:

Before school started, we managed to handle most of the major items, but we still needed to finalize the artwork and decor for the walls—and figure out the curtains.

I’m happy to report that’s all been locked and loaded, with the final touches completed before everyone came over last Friday.

My absolute favorite part of the whole shebang (beyond the wall color!) is the felt wall decoration:

We utilized a much smaller felt design for Chica’s room, and it’s been a really fun and useful design element for her.

For a Chicklet’s room, I knew I wanted the wall above her bed to have some major focal point, and I let her take the reins on picking something out. I was ecstatic over her selection, as it had been one of my faves, and we sort of split a portion of it up to go beside her desk, as well, for even greater functionality.

I can’t recommend these felt things enough. They’re a major splash of fun, easy to mount (with double sided adhesive), and provide a space for pictures, art, and other odds and ends…like swimming ribbons, tehe:

I also let Chicklet pick out other printable art work (from Etsy) to refresh her walls, and it was a really fun few days scrolling through hundreds of options and narrowing down her choices.

In the end, the art is such a playful representation of my girl (hello, animals!)—plus, we really kept on trend with the blue/pink/aqua pops that Chicklet gravitates toward. 

Of course, I tried not to be mortally offended that she begged for years and we’ve spent an ever-loving medical fortune on our beloved dog, but Chicklet chose to frame…a cat.

A really, really cute one, though. ;)

The other home run of the entire room happened on a whim when I found this suuuuuper soft and cozy chair at Homegoods and just felt like it was calling Chicklet’s name:

I brought it home, she fell in lurv, and positioned it not how I would have, facing the middle of the room, but, rather, facing the window and the beautiful backyard/pool view:

She literally sits there every day, all snuggled up and almost invisible when you walk in the room. It’s her happy place (please enjoy the black cat that’s part of her Halloween costume, ha).

I love, love, LOVE that she has yet another beloved space for reading. :) 

In the end, the final element we were waiting to finalize was the curtains.

I had my eye on a few designs I’d found online, I just didn’t want to spend the money on them, ha.

And then, lo and behold, one day I looked at her old curtains, gorgeous and velvet, all folded in the corner, and had an epiphany:

They’re still perfect for her room! White and pink and absolutely within the color way wheelhouse!

Thankfully, Chicklet agreed, and we hung them back up.


Chicklet’s room is refreshed, it feels very appropriate for her current vibe and life stage, and—most important of all—it continues to be her safe and happy and beloved space. A place she’s proud to share with friends.


Okay…many more catch-up posts coming, peeps.

Until then, happy almost-Thursday!

Over and out. 

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