Friday, February 15, 2013

Sittin' Pretty

Today, I put Baby Girl in her crib for her morning nap, started a quick load of laundry, turned on the monitor...and saw this:

I was so pumped!

And not because sitting is a new skill--it's old hat these days--but because she's never attempted to haul herself up in the crib before.

Don't know why. She just hasn't.

She's always been more of a lounger. And a roll-around-er, and a pitch-a-fit-er.

So now we have a new diversion to add to the list.

Yay for progress!

I'm sure sometime soon, I'll lament her increased mobility, and the fact that it makes her an even worse napper (and that's truly saying something, since she's a terrible, awful, no-good, very bad napper to begin with), but for now, I'm just gonna bask in the glow of her discovery.

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