Tuesday, July 2, 2013

One-Year Doc's Visit!

Check out this champ, fixin' her hairdo with a tongue depressor at the doctor's office ('cause who doesn't fix their hairdo with a tongue depressor at the doctor's office???):

She was a busy, busy, BUSY bee--twirling on the lime-green chair, crunching the crunchy table paper, playing with the tongue depressor, and grabbing just about anything and everything else she could get her cute 'lil one-year-old hands on:

Until...dun, dun, DUN: the shots came!!!

Three of 'em in her cute little thighs :( :( :(

Pneumonia, mumps and measles this time.

But she handled them like the pro she is at this point--going super-sonic for a few seconds, and then WAILING like any normal kiddo does.

But do you know what one-year-olds get after they get shots at the doctor's office???

A dum-dum!!!

Chica's very first sucker!!!

And wouldn't ya know it--she took one lick and handled the rest without any help from Mama, thankyouverymuch.

It helped to turn this shot-induced frown upside down:

Now, I typically avoid sharing video like the plague, if I show up in it. But this one is so cute, since it shows: a) just how much she loves the dum-dum (green apple, if you're interested), and, b) just how much it helped her over the shot pain, that I thought I'd share. Take note of the last few seconds when Nanna (the videographer) decides to flip the phone on its side, since that's how her son has told her she needs to record it:

Weight: 19 pounds, 4 ounces (40th percentile--heartiest she's ever been, yay!)

Height: 30 inches (78th percentile; still a long girl)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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