Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Recurring Dream

It's been a few years since I left my job in advertising, but there's a bit of that old life that's stayed with me all this time--in the form of a recurring dream.

The gist:

  • I decide it's a good idea for me to go back to my old job.
  • I'm miserable/something has changed that makes me immediately regret the decision.
  • I agonize over how to leave all over again.
And of course, there's a final component to the dream that has appeared since Chica was born:
  • I long to be home with her like nobody's business and just hate life until we're reunited.
So I had this dream last night and it deeply affected me, as it usually does. I woke up out of sorts and just plain off. For some reason, this silly little trick of the mind gets to me like no other.

The ironic thing is that I have the dream at times in my life when I'm very happy and grateful for the situation I'm in.

Now, it's important for me to note to anybody reading this that my dream in no way reflects any negativity I might harbor towards working mothers. In fact, I soooo respect the daily juggling act they are able to pull off, and I know so many who do it so well. 

I only wanted to share this dream because it always makes me pause and take stock of my life. And I'm beyond grateful to find that, in the past few years, the result of that evaluation has always been a positive one.

I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing, and I wake every day feeling beyond blessed. And I can only imagine that feeling will snowball as we welcome our new little addition into our lives.

I hope those of you reading this are feeling some blessings of your own, tonight.

Happy Tuesday :) 

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