Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weather Whiplash = Family Chillaxing

Yesterday, we had this:

A warm, 75-degree, blooming day :)

Then, today, we had this:

A frigid, sleeting, hailing, 30-degree yikes.

And though my little nugget will be a bit sad there's no pond time in the near future, I'm so happy to report that our little threesome (well, foursome, if you count my baking Chicklet--which I do!) had such an unexpectedly lovely, low-key weekend.

We cooked five out of the seven weekend meals, we played, we lounged, we got a few easy things done, and just had some all 'round quality time together.

So I guess I won't complain too much about our current weather roller coaster...until next weekend and daylight savings doom.


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