Saturday, May 17, 2014

Not A Newborn

Today was a tough day.

Like, really really tough.

Like, the kind of tough that would probably make a funny/sentimental Hallmark movie. You know--given time, of course, to see the humor of it all.

But to console myself in the here and now, I've decided to focus on just how fleeting this time is.

I mean, my beautiful Chicklet is almost seven weeks old, and--dare I say it???--not officially a newborn anymore. 

I know this because: a) she just bumped up to size 1 diapers, and, b) she doesn't fit into most newborn clothes anymore.

(*Pause to wipe away a tear.*)

But the most telltale sign that she's aging? 

She officially transitioned from the round hospital soothies to traditional pacifiers--complete with trusty paci clip, of course.

I just couldn't handle one more drop-and-roll scenario! And those stinking soothies don't even have a place to attach the clip. Boooo.

I'm surprised I made it this long without going certifiably insane.

Now let's hope I can say that in another seven weeks.

Peace out, peeps.

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