Thursday, June 19, 2014

Better Day, Better Fun

Yesterday was a rough, tough, yucky, icky, terrible day 'round our house.

Full of crying, temper tantrums and all-over-the-spectrum mood swings.

And the girls were cranky, too.


So I busted out my big, red button with the white, bold letters that spell RESET, and started today anew.

And that involved upping the fun quotient a bit. So I decided to assemble this outdoor water toy that was going to make an appearance at Chica's birthday next weekend (yes, birthday!!!!!!).

Both girls were super helpful during the put-it-together process. Chicklet was a back-seat assembler from her swing, and Chica tested the endurance of every piece.

I was especially terrified (and, a bit impressed, I'm not gonna lie) when I returned from changing Chicklet and saw this:

Have I mentioned we're climbing these days???

Anywho. We moved the party outside, filled 'er up.

Chica was dainty at first. Testing the waters, you might say, if you're into puns, and I most certainly am:

But this mischievous smile told me the dainty wouldn't last long:


And...head dunk:


And...submerge headband/bracelets:

I think she was thirsty:

Fun was had by all.

And then I chased and tickled Chica around the yard (with Chicklet riding along in the Bjorn):

I love my girlies.

And I especially love that big, red, RESET button.

Happy Tomorrow's Friday Day, peeps!


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