Monday, August 18, 2014

Dream Feeds

There is truly nothing in the whole, wide world that is sweeter than dream-feeding a baby.

It's that unbelievable snuggly round of nursing that you sneak in to do right before you go to bed at night, so the baby has a bit of sustenance to sleep through as many hours as possible.

It seems to be a new-ish fad (translation: I don't really think my parents' generation did anything of the sort). But boy oh boy were they missing out.

I mean, just look at this cuddly lovable bundle you get to feed and snuggle without ever really waking up (if all goes according to plan):

This truly is one of my very favorite phases. And I need to cherish it, because Chicklet only really eats about half the time, so it won't be long before she won't need it at all.

Better keep capturing these shots while I can. Waaaaah! They grow too fast!

In related news--I'm just loving the nighttime ambiance of Chicklet's room. I've only grown to appreciate it over the past 10 days or so, since her official transition. And it's just so cozy and peaceful and rosy (because of the ridiculously adorable nightlight--thank you, Godmother Lisa!). 

I like to think that's a big part of why she's doing so well in there.

Sweet dreams, my beloved baby.

And to all you peeps, too.


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