Monday, August 18, 2014

Craft Crazy (Emphasis On The Crazy)

A sign you've cracked:

After putting your daughters down for a nap, you sneak downstairs to friggin' waste precious alone time conquering the craft project you couldn't finish earlier with your two-year-old--all the while, muttering (to a pom-pom based, googly-eyed, felt-faced animal)...

I'm gonna make you my b****.

Yep. It happened. It so happened.

Now let's rewind an hour or two...

It began with this week's craft project for Chica:

The Ultimate Fuzzy Kit boasting over 250 pieces.


So there I was, all ready to make a cute and totally useless animal with Chica when I realized the kit didn't come with the felt or cardboard, or whatever it is these scamming manufacturers used to make the dang things mocking you from the box.

Do you see? Do you SEE????

Those critters have faces and feet of substance. NOT included!

Never fear. Mama's stash of craft supplies to the rescue!

Next problem: I sort of lost Chica's interest during the wait to solve the assembly problem and locate the salvaging felt pieces.

Oh well. She had fun arranging the pieces in her mildly OCD way. Or maybe she's a budding spatial artist in the works??? Or an architect? Landscape designer?

I'm not gonna lie--she may or may not have eaten one fuzzy pom-pom. But one of the tiniest ones, I swear. So maybe she's just a toddler enjoying a craft project in her own way ;)

And of course, in the face of adversity (in this case, felt-faced mocking adversity) us gals can always make craft time about jewelry. Pipe cleaner bracelets for everyone!

Good hing Chica knows when to stop and smell the (fake) roses.

Unlike her certifiable mother, who didn't stop until she'd made this:


Take that, tiny animal!

(I need help.)

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