Friday, October 24, 2014

Takin' Over The World

In the last two weeks, Chicklet has gone from crawling to, well, total world domination.


It's her goal. I just know it.

I can tell by the steely look of determination in those precious baby blues.


#1. Sitting up like a big girl is old hat now. She's starting to freaking pull up (like she did using this banister). And totay, she was attempting stairs. Stairs, I tell ya!

#2. Obstacles mean nothing to her. Yesterday, my body was merely a speed bump in her quest to get to the new floor lamp's cord.

(And, no, concerned grandmothers, I did not let her chew it.)

Side note--I'm wildly obsessed with this fun new lamp for the playroom. And so are the girls.

#3. Food demands attention, and if Mama ain't quick enough (or heaven forbid, has to divide her attention between another child), Chicklet takes matters into her own hands. Literally.

#4. And speaking of mealtimes...when she's just too busy and important to be bothered by eating, she still makes her presence known--very loudly (via raspberries or loud shrieking.)

#5. Only seven months? Never too early for a love affair with Sofia. I mean, the child gets more invested than her older sister at times. Two peas, I tell ya.

#6. But forget Sofia for a second and let's talk about her obsession with Frozen. Sometimes, when watching, I'll find a stray tear falling down her cheek, and I totally swear she's crying during the emotional scenes. It's a hypothesis I plan to test.

#7. But don't mistake her for some lump on a log. She told me she's making it her personal mission to inspect every nook and cranny of the house, and she's already made a to no' headway.

#8. And when the indoors aren't adventurous enough, she sinks her teeth into the great wide wonder of the outdoors. Again, literally. I can't get her to stop eating grass.

I love this child like crazy. She's got spunk, just like her sister, and I DIG IT.



P.S. My spunky secondborn cut her third tooth (bottom again) today. Woohoo!

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