Saturday, May 2, 2015

From Breast To Worst

I'm a proud breastfeeding Mama. 

Though I'm so not the type to whip one of the girls out in public (but more power to the Mama's who can) and I'm soooo not the type to look down on bottle-feeding and shout "breast is best" from the rooftops, I feel absolutely wonderful about giving both my girls a year of nursing (critics, be damned)--Chica, just shy of 12 months and Chicklet, just over 12 months.

Both girls weaned pretty naturally at a time that worked for them, and each time it was a gradual process over a few weeks that made it so much easier for both of us when all nursing wound to a stop. of this week, my sweet, chatterbox of a 13-month-old is all cow's milk, all the time. Woohoo!

Only problem: it's taken us a few weeks to find a milk variety paletable for the picky little bugger, and I'm both thrilled and ashamed to admit that we've landed on this:

Yep. That's right. I'm feeding my babe Very Berry Strawberry Milk.

Please don't judge me.

For the record, we tried 2%. We tried 1%. We tried whole milk. We tried a different brand of 2%. We tried chocolate milk (yep, I stooped that low). And finally, we tried combos of any and all of the above--including room temperature versus cold milk.

But the stinker wanted none of it. She'd crinkle up her adorable little nose in distaste, if not swat the bottle away completely--ha.

So I finally resorted to strawberry-flavored PediaSure one day, and when she didn't flat-out refuse it, I went for the strawberry milk and--voila!--victory.

She luuuuuuurvs it. Like seriously.

I'm mortified by the sugar content and plan to start cutting it with regular milk ASAP. But I'll let her be for just a little while and enjoy her treat.

Drink up for sugar-lovers everywhere, my sweet!

So proud of my growing, happy girl.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

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