Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chica's Third Birthday! (Balloons)

So I'm a few days behind in posting pics of Chica's beautiful third birthday festivities from this weekend, and even now, I'm so tired, I'm only posting a portion. But pretty, pretty please, with sugar on top, can I give you a few reasons to cut me some slack?

I can? Okay, good. 'Cause I was going to anyway ;)

#1: We had a big storm last night.
#2: Big storm knocked out our power.
#3: No power = no baby monitors.
#4: No baby monitors means sleeping upstairs near the girls' rooms.
#5: On the playroom floor.
#6: So the noise of the pull-out couch doesn't wake the still sleeping (miraculously!) babes.
#7: Floor + pregnant = no bueno 
#8: Power wasn't restored until nearly lunchtime today 
#9: And then my overly exhausted girls decided not to nap
#10: And my nesting decided to ramp up over the last few days
#11: And I felt the need to do insane things like vacuum the tufts (pintucks?) of my upholstered couch)
#12: And rearrange attic boxes.
#13: You know, all those important domestic chores on top of the 10,387 loads of laundry piling up.

Anywho...where was I?

Oh yes. Birthday :)

So this year, we had a lovely, low-key, just-the-four-of-us (five with the bump!) birthday celebration, and it was just so lovely.

And the day started with the hubby and I blowing up balloons for our precious firstborn so we could wake her with them.

Needless to say, she loved it. And so did Chicklet--ha.

More tomorrow about our water park fun!

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