Wednesday, October 21, 2015

(More) Masks & Fuzzy Bats!

Given the wild success of our last mask project, I decided to go superhero crazy and buy yet another decorative set (this time, of a foam material that's a little more sturdy than our paper ones).

But while my trio and I ventured out to buy the set, I was feeling particularly charitable. Because we were having a productive morning, Chica was a rockstar in her dance class, and as we wandered through Target, both girls were behaving so well, despite the fact that they were unleashed and just walking beside me.

So, we went a little Halloween-aisle nuts.

You want a set of spring-coil spiders? Sure.

A rubber, eight-eyed wind-up walking monster? Why not.

A kit of paper luminaries you can decorate like bats? Absolutely.

We snagged half-a-dozen project items, and blew $25 or so. But it was fun. And my girls are so into Halloween right now that I'm feeling the need to really live it up for the next ten days before we phase into Thanksgiving.

Plus, projects just make me feel like all is right in my mommy world. And it's an understatement to say the girls dig 'em.

Here's the fuzzy bat that Chica got a kick out of assembling (whilst wearing one of her new, undecorated masks, of course):

Love my crazy kids. So glad we've been having a good week and that tomorrow is already Thursday.

We've got some rain in the forecast for the next few days and I've got a pretty dang fun project lined up for Friday. Sort of a celebration of our first solo week :)

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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