Monday, November 23, 2015

8 Weeks


Chica poured an entire bottle of Johnson's shampoo in the bathtub when she was supposed to be sitting on the big girl potty (and I was just grateful it wasn't urine).

Chicklet so "helpfully" brought me my (less than two month-old) glasses looking like this:

I put Chicklet in the bathtub with her socks still on.

I conditioned my hair twice and shampooed it not once. Little Man turned eight weeks old (and promptly realized he's living in a house full of loons, but posed for his picture anyway).

Given all of the above--and the nine loads of laundry I completed today, with about six more to go tomorrow--I officially declare the hustle of the holiday in full swing!

Luckily, God continually gives me the presence of mind to stop and enjoy the really important things. Like snuggle-snoozing with this little guy, and staring adoringly at his face, until his peaceful eyes closed:

Stay tuned for another crazy list tomorrow ;)

Yay for Thanksgiving chaos!

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