Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Problems With Proximity

My poor Chica is sick. Still.

It started a couple of weeks ago, but it's been the kind of two steps forward, one step back bug that psyches me out of taking her to the doctor every time I'm about to. Booo.

Last night, she was coughing and congested so much that she (and I) didn't get much sleep. And since it got tiresome to haul my booty upstairs every time she requested a Kleenex via the monitor, I finally just gave her a whole box.

Silly Mama. I should know better, ha.

The funniest part is that I walked in on her pile because she'd hollered for me saying--you guessed it--"Mama, I need a Kleenex." :)

(For the record, I stuffed them all back in the box, without truly sifting used from unused. I'm classy like that.)

So...I'm living in fear as I wait out the status of everyone else. Chicklet is congested, with no cough. The hubby thinks he has a sinus infection. Little Man was congested for a couple of nights then cleared up. And I'm standing strong (who knows how, but I'm sure I'm screwed because I typed it).

Problem is--when all the kiddos are this up close and personal, there ain't nothin' that can be done:

(But how precious are they??)

I just feel so bad for my entire family that's about to arrive on our doorstep tomorrow.

Thinking about handing everyone a bottle of Airborne as they cross the threshold. Couldn't hurt, right?

Here's to holidays and the germs that come with the season!

Wish me luck in the wee hours of the morning when I wake to brine my bird! It'll be a first :)

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