Thursday, December 10, 2015

Santa Visit--2015

Today was the day! Our visit to see the big, jolly mad in red.

It went just about as I expected. One baby who was fine. One toddler who was not. And another who was generally neutral. Ha.

If I wasn't BONE WEARY tired this evening after a long few days, I'd write more. But instead, I'll just share a bunch o' pics with the occasional caption :)

I'm hoping for one year with all three kiddos and no Mama in the pic!

And...I die for this smiley pic of Little Man. 

That's fake snow on his shoulder (not raging dandruff). This one was taken after the Santa visit...and I'm posting all these out of order 'cause I'm a rebel like that.

This pic is titled: Smother-lovering,

For the record, I wanted Chica to wear her velvet dress shoes. She wanted her fairy Halloween boots. I let her win. And later, was glad I did. She looked beyond precious.

Seriously. The girls got tons of comments from passers by.

Chica was holding Chicklet in place. But Chicklet still cooperated with a "cheeeese."

This was hilariously adorable but not my smartest move. Seconds after this pic, Little Man toppled sideways into the snow and was caked in it--ha. Like, more than just a heavy frosting.

I couldn't help from taking some stylized pics of my ladies in red :)

My beautiful girl is getting too old!

Love them.

Love this playful catch.

Love the sequins on their dresses--even if it is all over my house and car (and I was even smart enough to pre-wash them this time! This ain't my first holiday/sequins rodeo, my friends).

Chicklet luuuuurved the fake snow.

Hi, Daddy!


And...totes adorbs (that one's for you, Nanna).

Because my brothers and I just taught her what "totes adorbs" means today.

Translation: totally adorable (for all you still not in the know).

And...grande finale.

Okay, so fine. Maybe I captioned every, single pic. And now I'm gonna go collapse.

Happy Almost-Friday, peeps!

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