Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Double (buns) The Funny

I was mooned today by the passenger of a nearby car.

*Pause for a moment of absorption.*

Yep, I typed "mooned." As in, I looked to my left as I was driving down the road, and saw the bare, white tushy of the backseat passenger of the neighboring car.

I was not even the slightest bit annoyed. In fact, I was wildly entertained, and immediately tried hot-dialing my husband to giggle over the sight.

To answer your questions ('cause I can hear them from here): 1) no, I didn't see who it was because I only got a rear (hehe) view, 2) no, they didn't just single me out, as I saw them drive a bit and then do it again, 3) no, it wasn't a cute posterior, as nobody's is from that angle, and 4) no, my kiddos didn't notice, but they definitely wanted to know why Mama was laughing so hard.

So, thank you, random stranger for making this Mama's Hump (Rump?) Day. Aside from the tushies I diaper a thousand times a day, I cannot recall the last time I was mooned.

An honor, indeed ;)

And on that note, allow me to quickly share a couple other things that have entertained me of late.

1. After growing quite fond of the animated movie Minions during our Christmas break, I have decided that Chicklet babbles like one while she's still leaning her words. I love her so much. It makes me chuckle, and if you watch this trailer, you probably will, too:

2. And speaking of's not often I can make the hubby laugh (I mean, we laugh all the time and he laughs at me all the time, but I'm rarely the brilliant jokester), but the other day, I called Chicklet a European soccer player, on account of her over-exaggerated reaction to fouls (or in this comparison, anything that upsets her), and the hubby might have actually guffawed. Though I'm not sure, because I don't technically know what a guffaw is.

3. I do know that the hubby went beyond a guffaw and all the way to supersonic, can't-breathe laughter when he walked into the bedroom two nights ago to the sight of my Nook falling flat on my face, hitting my glasses with a thwack.

What can I say? I was on my back, the Nook was precariously positioned on some pillows, and it was all the more funny because Little Man was asleep right next to the bed, so the hysterical laughter had to be smothered.

It's the little things, people.

And there you go. A whole boring (but not to me) post without the pictures you'd probably rather have. Ha.

Happy Rump Day, peeps!

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