Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Claw Project

Our good craft friend, Kiwi Crate, struck today!

And though their projects are usually fun and easy-ish, I'm not gonna lie, this one slightly kicked my booty.

But first, before I dive in, here's any adorable pic of my beautiful baby boy. 

LOVE him. Even if he is giving me (more) gray hair and wrinkles by keeping me up all dang night.

Okay, back to our project. Heeeere it is:

Fun, right? An arcade-like claw!

We started optimistically enough. 

Heeeere's Chica prepping the board that helped us position all our pieces:

And here she is, several steps into assembling the nuts and bolts (literally; if plastic ones) of the claw component:

And here Mama is, pausing to take a snap of the instructions to get a little compassion over just how many freaking steps there were to this one...and we were only a few in:

And here we are, a bit further down the line. Look--a handle!

And here it is, fully assembled and ready for a test-run!

And here's a close-up of the piece that shouldn't be where it is:

That part with the circle/hole right in the middle of he claw? Yup. Shouldn't be there. Mama apparently didn't follow instructions.

Now, at this point, I lost everybody, ha. While I had to tinker away and dissemble then reassemble correctly, both girlies fled the scene. Typical. Only taking the credit for the perfect crafts. Pft.

But guess who came running back when the claw was fully functional??? My little minions :)

Now..,when I looked at these pics this afternoon, I thought must have been a little drunk by this point. But, nah. I remembered Chica wanted to take the pic herself, ha. So here's part of the finished product in view:

And here's Chicklet helping me make the little furball critter that you're supposed to pic up with the claw;

Meanwhile, Chica enthusiastically tested our engineering;

Chicklet was none the wiser as she applied the critter's googly eyes:

But then, the real deal claw-in-action began. Engage the pulley...

Snatch the criter...

And bask in victory!

Then step back and watch mass chaos ensue.

Once Chicklet realized what the claw could do, it was an all out war. She stole it from her sister...

Then Chica stole it back (and held it out of reach, naturally)...

Causing Chicklet to fling herself toward the window in hysterics.

This went on (sometimes good-naturedly; sometimes not) for several minutes while they chased one another around the playroom.

And then...snap!

Apparently, the claw was not structurally sound enough to withstand Chicklet's vacuum-cleaner like movement.

And...we're sad. All of us.

Hysterically (and adorably), Chica immediately picked up her fake phone and called Daddy, telling him about the ordeal in the hopes that he could fix our "emergency." Priceless.

In real life, once home to asses the damage, Daddy recommended a splint of some sort, since the tape alone that I tried was a failure.

So all in, this qualifies as one of the toughest, coolest, most annoying, most-fought-over, fastest-to-break Kiwi Crate projects to date--ha.

But I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. And I continually love that Chica is always gung-ho for whatever I have planned. She even told me today, "We do a lot of projects. I love projects." 

That's what it's all about, peeps. Enriching the lives of this precious cargo o' mine.

Happy Tomorrow's Friday peeps!

Oh, and for my sake, send out some vibes for an easier Kiwi Crate delivery next month, ha.

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