Sunday, March 6, 2016

Grandmother Trees

So, we've lived in our house about two years and four months now. :)

And for approximately two years, three months, and, let's say, twenty-nine days, we've really really wanted to tackle some landscaping/outdoor projects.

But...many are major and require a lot of planning--financial and otherwise. So we've been plotting a scheming for some time about one of the priority projects, which was to plant something on the westward side of the house, that's pretty much a flat brick exterior.

Though it's not the most aesthetically pleasing side of the house, it's fantastically practical that it doesn't have a ton of windows--except for the kitchen ones that are sheltered from the blasting sun by both the fence and the neighboring house. 

But, hello, sad, plain exterior. 

It needed some happy something. And some time ago, we decided we really really wanted some magnolias. recommendation, we were led to a tree farm about twenty minutes north of us that's set on thousands of acres of beautiful land. And last weekend, on the most gorgeous Saturday ever, we paid it a visit.

We had an absolute blast there. Such devoted and personable service. A guided tour of the property by golf cart (which the kiddos loved), and plenty of time and space to run free while we muled over our options.

It was so, dang fun to walk the land and pick out the exact trees we wanted at our home.

And we ended up with this gorgeous variety of magnolia that can be pruned to have a high loft, which will be awesome, as it will help keep the grass underneath alive. It also has beautiful, large leaves and will be stunning when it blooms.

So the visit was an absolute success, and we were floored by the efficiency of the process, as they had us on the books for delivery and planting just one week later.

Which brings us to yesterday...

The crew (of five men!) unloaded our huge, 200-gallon lovelies and got them into roughly the position we wanted. We were thrilled both were able to fit, as we were a little worried only one would work.

Then, after just a few adjustments, we settled on the final positioning, they marked the area with spray paint, and then moved the trees to prepare for digging.

And our crazy party of five hung out for awhile to watch the fun:

Then we went inside for lunch while the work continued, and it was so fun to see the top of one of the magnolias from the kitchen windows. 

Then, about an hour or so later...hello, beautiful magnolias!!!

And, hello, Little Man, with magnolias ;)

It's hard to properly convey with just these pics just how much these trees changed the exterior of the house. They add such character and's just wonderful. Absolutely the best ever. Well worth the wait.

And the most special part of the process is the family aspect of it.

Not only will we always remember the day we went, all together, to select our trees, but we decided from the start that these magnolias would be planted in honor of our grandmothers.

Of course, the hubby and I have been so blessed by all our grandmothers--living and deceased. But these trees were planted in particular honor of GiGi, who passed just days after Little Man's birth, and my Mamaw, who has been one tough cookie of late.

I can think of nobody better suited to watch over our happy home than the strong, sometimes sassy, always loving women whose genes we proudly bear.

God Bless our Grandmother Trees :)

And God Bless the timing of a very rainy week ahead!

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