Friday, March 4, 2016

Photographer In The Making

So, a couple weeks ago, Chica stole my phone and started playing around with the camera while I was nursing Little Man. And she took a selfie (or perhaps, one hundred and six consecutive selfies), that was so precious, it made me smile like a fool:

She's occasionally done this in the past, but it's always sort of been a one-off thing. This time, however, it's becoming a bit of a hobby.

And it's not just selfies. She's taken to snapping tons of little moments when she can get her grabby, adorable hands on my phone. And I gotta say, I absolutely adore some of the ones she's taken.

So here they are...unedited; all her. Even the filters they're sometimes shot with are of her own choosing :)

And these last few are from today, and they're a total riot.

Chica was wildly bored and not napping during her forced quiet time, so after I got Little Man asleep, I gave her a special reprieve to come hang with me in my bed to snuggle for the precious few minutes I had before going up to relieve Chicklet from her nap (it's a never-ending rotation of children!).

Anywho...we had the sweetest little conversation laying nose to nose on my pillow, and then I told her I wanted ten minutes of quiet, before my time was up. And she took oodles of pics during that ten minutes--including several (uber flattering ones) of me asleep, ha.

These are my faves:

And this is the one that earns me my gold star for sleeping on the job:

Mother of the Year, I tell ya ;)

But in all seriousness, I love, love, love seeing things captured from her perspective, and I so hope it continues. 

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