Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Glorious Library Return

So...the summer before last--when Chica was a lively and supercharged two-year-old and Chicklet was just a few months old--we made regular visits to our local library. And it was lovely.

But I also remember it being a bit tense.

I can recall being stressed about Chica's noise level or explosive running jaunts through book aisles. Or fearful of Chicklet's tendency to wail because of her bad tummy or because she was squished in the baby carrier when I had to bend to put away Chica's scattered books.

Don't get me wrong--it was still a nice diversion, so I wasn't lying if that's what I emphasized on this here blog. But by necessity, it was a relatively short one that was successful if nobody had to be dragged out wailing ;)

So imagine my surprise when we finally made a return trip today--with the addition of a third kid and the subtraction of that anxiety!

Have three children made me mellow?

Were they just well-behaved today?

Was the rain a soothing influence?

Did someone drug them before we left the house?

These are questions I don't know the answers to. I only know that we spent nearly a full hour having a really lovely time.

It was awesome.

We managed to time our departure in between heavy downpours, but when we made it home, I let the kiddos stand and watch the rain--to their utter, giggly delight.

And as Chica eventually ran into the house, with Chicklet hot on her heels, she deemed it the "best day ever." Which is pretty much my life goal realized :)

I'm so looking forward to adding this to our regular rotation of summer activities. 

And even if subsequent visits never live up to the magic that was today, it'll be a fantastic time.

Happy Rainy Thursday, peeps!

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