Monday, September 19, 2016

51 Weeks

My Little Man had a minor procedure today, but handled it like a champ. It went great, he did great, and he had lovely nurses to charm, charm, charm (as usual).

The highlights:

1. When he roused at zero-dark-thirty, he had the coolest hair imaginable. No products, just sleep, thankyouverymuch.

2. He rocked a koala gown like nobody's beeswax.

3. He was the cutest peek-a-boo patient, like, ever.

4. When he got the "happy juice" to keep him calm while I officially passed him off, he was pretty much the funniest, cutest baby ever. It was like he was on shrooms. Daddy and I were in heaven watching him. Best ever--and certainly eased any parental anxiety.

5. He napped well afterwards.

6. And played well.

7. And took this very classy weekly pic (His NEXT TO THE LAST ONE. Waaaaaaah.).

Here's hoping my beloved baby boy sleeps well tonight.

Over and out.

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