Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Summer 2016 Trip--Day 2

Today was the rainy day we knew we'd have, but the kiddos were so happy-go-lucky, it didn't matter. Everything was a special adventure to them.

Breakfast on the closed-in patio during the pouring rain? Best ever. Drive to a nearby marine life exhibition? Full of snacks and a movie. Turtles, penguins, stingrays, sea lions, sharks and dolphins? Nothin' else they could ask for.

Except maybe more play time on their beloved patio with the rain pouring all around. (Which they got.)

And hopefully--fingers and toes crossed--some sun tomorrow so they can finally get out on the beach!

Sea lion show...

Chicklet with the parakeet, too; I just wasn't supposed to be taking a pic, ha, but didn't realize it until after I'd taken Chica's...

Dolphin show!

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