Saturday, December 31, 2016

Our Many Cups O' Cheer's the New Year. Woohoo!

And I'm bone-weary tired from wonderful things (like an amazing, outdoor outing today, that I'll post about tomorrow), and from not-so-wonderful things (like days of dissembling Christmas decorations during nap times and evening times).

But...instead of collapsing in bed, I'm sitting on the couch to show my support while the hubby has a heck of a time running some wires through the wall for his new television receiver, so I'm gonna make good use of my time and do some mult(post)-a-taskin'.


This one's just a sweet wrap-up of our lovely adventures collecting our holiday coffee cups.

About ten days ago, I figured we'd snagged as many as we were going to--and was pretty impressed with our haul of ten, considering there were only twelve in all (I think).

So I finally strung them all together, like I'd been planning to do for some time, and hung them on the upstairs banister.

Chica loved it. Just as she loved the whole process of collecting them.

So perhaps as a bonus bit of joy, before things are all wrapped up, God gifted us one final cup two days ago--and a clear one, to boot! I didn't even know they had those! (Look hard and you'll see a wreath around the logo.)

It's going to be a bit of an adjustment going back to plain cups after all this decorated fun. But isn't that a metaphor for all post-holiday life?? Hehe.

Here's hoping the 2017 holiday brings some cups just as lovely.


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