Monday, January 9, 2017

Long Winter Naps babies have been napping hard these days.

I noticed the change in December, and it was a confluence of many events.

First: the weather cooled, which always makes for better, cozier, darker napping.

Second: activities ramped up, what with holiday events, parties, errands, company, etc. And, of course, that wears the wee ones (and adults!) out. 

Third (and most important): they all went through growth spurts.

I knew it was happening when I noticed developmental changes in Chicklet's speech, or the shorter fit of Chica's pants, or the drawers and handles Little Man could suddenly reach. A Mama just senses these things. (And Little Man's spurt was definitely confirmed at his checkup a few days ago, when his height went from the 36th percentile a couple months ago, all the way to the 85th percentile now, ha.)

So, net/net: my babies are growing and changing and napping hard. And I ain't doin' nothin' to stop it.

You know that old adage about not waking a sleeping baby? Well, imagine the insane joy and peace of a whole household of your sleeping angels.

And then imaging pissing them off one by one by hauling them each from their deep slumber.


Don't poke the bear(s).

The beauty of my current Mama mindset is that I know this is a phase and it won't last. So I'm just rolling with it until we gradually shift pur household schedule again.

Oh, and of course, I'm taking creepy sleeping pics. ;)

Chica's been sweet-talking her way into our master bedroom for her naps. And since it's the New Year, and I'm so aware of her impending kindergarten milestone in 2017, I'm an easy mark.

She can snuggle with me any day, any time, anywhere. 

And, yes, when she naps with me, she wears an eye mask like Mama. :)

I had to physically haul her into my arms and set her on her feet his afternoon before she relented and woke, ha.

And can you spot my Chicklet??

Under her pillow there, hehe.

Niiiice and cozy.

I haven't snagged one of Little Man, yet, but it's only a matter of time.

Wish us sweet napping dreams while this household siesta phase lasts!

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