Friday, January 6, 2017

Snow Day

My babies woke up sleepy but happy and sweet on this cold, cold morning.

So we got some donuts, snuggled in for some play and low-key TV watching, and just enjoyed some chill time.

But as midday approached, I worried some cabin fever might set in after so many cold days this week without outdoor activity, so I called Daddy and scheduled an impromptu lunch. And right after this pic...

...I pulled out of the garage, to the sight of SNOW FLURRIES.

Glorious, happy, tiny, white snow flurries. And we were all amazed and ecstatic, as it wasn't really in our forecast.
The kiddos were mesmerized.

And I was so grateful we'd decided to get our for lunch, or we would've missed them altogether.

Little did I know that after lunch (and these adorable pics of still-happy kiddos)...

We would return to the car and head back north toward home, in much heavier flurries!

Again, the kiddos were ecstatic (despite the heavier traffic and longer car time).

By the time we arrived home and the coverage was about as thick as it would get, I decided I needed to release the crazies for a little fun in the flurries before herding them in for nap time. 

So that's what I did.


They had so much fun, and Chica so badly wanted to build a tiny snowman, but Little Man's lips were full-on quivering (despite his enthusiastic play), so I knew we needed to go in.

They stared longingly out the windows for the rest of the day, so I'll let them out in the morning (when Daddy's around for Little Man backup) so they can play one last time before it all disappears.

Gotta love the beauty of these little things on low-key Fridays.

Happy Weekend, peeps!


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