Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Day of Memories

Oh my heavens, it's been a day.

And, for the record, the only reason I'm still conscious and typing this after a very delayed flight last night, a 3 a.m. bed time, a 6:30 a.m. wake up, and a loooooong but wonderful day of coming together as a family, it's because I've downed some coffee to keep me from cracking--er, crashing.

Long and short--the services for Mamaw were so lovely. The music was astounding, the visits with family and friends I haven't seen for ages was wonderful, and it was such a surprising joy to return to the city of most of my grandparent memories. Especially since I hadn't been there for 15+ years.

What a walk down memory lane, and such a blessing to travel that road with my brothers and mother.

Though I know I should first share pictures of my Mamaw that particularly moved me today, there was a more meaningful moment that takes the cake. And I credit Mamaw entirely with drawing us together to make it possible.

We visited my father's grave, and though my mother is there regularly, I haven't been in those same 15 years since I've been to Decatur. And what a moment.

You'll think I'm crazy (and I absolutely am most days) but we found the heartwarming and the levity of the situation before the tears and the heartache came, and we captured a picture that's priceless to me. To all of us, actually, if I do say so myself. 

All five of us. The originals.

Four of us visible, one unseen.

He for sure would have been happy to have us all there and smiling like fools (emphasis on the smiling fools). I can't even type it without crying again.

I definitely can't find any other words for it.

What a day, what a day.

And what a blessing to be with so many people who remembered my Mamaw before her strokes and shared such happy, feisty memories.

I'm so grateful I was able to be here today to honor her life and the family I love.

And now, the woman of the day, back in the day.

And a few more...

Cousins! Not all, but many.

Cornfields! The landscape of my childhood family visits. I had to capture a few shots for my kiddos.

And a last bonus shot--my Dad (and Mom, and Mamaw and I), at my aunt's wedding way back when. His smile is perfection. And I know, just know, he was first among the welcoming committee for my Mamaw's eternal home. And what a reunion it was, I have no doubt.


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