Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Ellen, The Original

When it came time to name my firstborn daughter, I surprised even myself.

Because I wasn't exactly sentimental with my options. And I certainly wasn't tied to any historical names that would result in my dishineritence, should they be ignored.

No, I had free reign. And that free reign I did wield. And I chose a middle name for my child that wasn't particularly spectacular, but rather, spectacularly perfect. Because of the woman who bore it first.


Too small and quiet a word--just five, short letters--for the colorful woman who wore the name well for ninety-two years.

And, yet, in the vein of all larger-than-life superstars (Madonna, Prince, Beyoncé), that one word--Ellen--was more than enough to sum up so much in the context of a sentence.

Because anyone who knew my grandmother knew my grandmother.

And Ellen summed her up.

Like so many who have the blessing of their loved ones on this earth for nine decades, there tends to be a before and after in the memories of your mind and heart. At least, this certainly holds true for me.

I have the memories of my childhood, before my Mamaw's strokes. And the memories of my adulthood, after their collective impact.

And yet, I'm overjoyed to say there there are so many snippets that transcend the before/after barrier. So many things that were quintessentially her, no matter the advancement of years or physical state. 

She was a force. A joy. An occasional pain. A tough cookie. A flamboyant flair of color and personality and opinions. A loving grandmother.

And, above all else, she was a Godly woman, who is now at rest and at peace and joy with so many of those she loved and lost before her.

So today, and for the next few days as we celebrate her life, I'll delve into my memory bank for each of those snippets that created one incredible whole, and I'll keep them close to my mind and my heart.

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