Tuesday, December 5, 2017


So...there’s a funny my-kiddos-are-obsessed-with-this tidbit that I’ve been meaning to post for weeks now, I just haven’t had the chance.

But it’s been such a may-jah part of our Fall 2017 vibe that I absolutely cannot let more time pass without spreading the contagion.

The gist is this:

There’s a Disney TV movie (don’t wanna type the title so I can avoid random search hits) that centers around the children of infamous fairytale villains. Like, the daughter of Maleficent or the son of Jafar.

And those kiddos have been banished with their parents to a remote island all their lives...until one day (drum roll puh-lease) they’re given a chance to live among the “good” fairytale characters and try for a “normal” life.

Singing ensues.

And dancing.

Oh, the singing and dancing.

And teenage love stories.

And battles of good vs. evil.

All the good stuff.

Plus. The main female characters have blue and purple hair, respectively. And could that be any cooler to my tiny, impressionable tots???

We are actually wildly behind this curve, since the first move came out a couple years ago. And worse yet, we started with the sequel and backtracked.

Because never in a million years, when we caught a random showing in our DVR, did I think my children would become so wildly obsessed with something I thought might be over their heads.

But they love it.

And I mean, luuuuuuuuuurv it.

We watch it all the time.

We downloaded the songs to play in the car.

The girlies got dolls of their favorite characters.

Chica is asking Santa for a costume from the movie (and that’s the only thing she’s asking him for).


We have daily song-and-dance parties to our favorite scenes. And not only have the kiddos learned all the words, they’ve learned some chunks of the dances, too, and it’s priceless.

I mean, priceless.

Bless Disney for putting the words on the screen in one version of the movie that we recorded. (And in case you were wondering, Uma is the daughter of Ursula.)

I am sooooo grateful for wonderful addictions like this that turn my kiddos into active participants.

And I cannot tell a lie—the songs are crazy fun and catchy. Even the hubby agrees.

So it’s a win/win/win around our casa, and a phase I hope I’ll remember for a long time to come.

Over and out, peeps.


P.S. Ha. I totally forgot to explain the title to the post. The song that kicks off the second movie goes: “We know all the ways to be W.I.C.K.E.D.” So the kids always always call the movie “W.I.C.K.E.D.” They don’t even know it has another name. Even Little Man slurs out all the letters in a hilarious string when he demands a viewing. It’s awesomesauce.

And it’s equally awesomesauce that Chica felt super cool during dance class last week when they used a couple of the movie’s songs during warm-up. She lit up like a mega-watt bulb. And, of course, mouthed the words, hehe.

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