Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Rest Of The Playroom Refresh

Oh. My. Stinking. Goodness.

I’m back up and running again on this here blog!!!

I can’t tell you how unsettling it’s been without the routine of jotting down a bit about our day(s).

And it’s absolutely an internal kind of unsettling.

Like someone stole my diary and all my pens and paper, leaving all these words and thoughts and images in my head with nowhere to go!

I mean, I hope there are a few peeps who enjoy reading all this silliness (hi, grandparents) but for the most part, it’s become a thing for me to help maintain my sanity and see the forest through the trees of life with tiny kiddos. 


I’m thrilled to be back in business—thanks to the remarkable tech support from the peeps behind the app I use for blogging. They were on it, helping me for several days through a few fixes that were needed, and it was awesomesauce to actually deal with a responsive and helpful human!

And now, without further delay, I’m gonna dive right into some catch up posts. The first of which is an update on the playroom refresh we began a few months ago.

So, last time I shared, we’d just finished installing the new IKEA furniture and the fun table and chairs. And just generally trying to make the space a bit more gender neutral. And we’ve loved the updates.

Here are some reminder pics from the previous posts...

I think the table has been one of the greatest additions. Just having more space (and less elbowing) has been fantastic. :)

So the second half of the refresh involved something we’ve wanted to do for four years—since we first moved into the house (how has it been four freaking years??!!).

We’ve wanted to do an accent wall behind the couch. Something to add a pop of fun and break up what is otherwise sort of an expansive, uninteresting space.

So we finally decided we’d love to do another wood accent wall using the same materials we installed in our living room (‘cause I love me a bit of consistency to the house, ha). It’s actually a laminate with a slight gray hue to it. Very light, very sturdy (it is in a playroom, after all), somewhat beachy, and just very much our taste.

It was installed a couple days before Christmas (heinous timing, yes??) and was literally completed in 3.5 hours. Amazing!

It was so cool to walk upstairs to the completed look (I’d quarantined the kiddos downstairs while the installation was a’happening).

I mean, it was exactly what we were hoping for. 

The weirdest thing happens when we add something decor-related to the house that I end up loving. After the first couple of times I see it, it sort of just blends into things like it was always part of the casa. This happens with artwork, painted walls, any sort of decorative accents. And it totally happened with the wall.

After just a day of it being up there, I couldn’t remember it not being there.

Also, can we please note the lack of toy debris on the floor in these pictures?? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure this is as sparce can clean as it’s looked in, well, ever, ha. (And has not looked this way since.)

Side note—poor Chicklet was sick the day after (or the day of, I can’t remember??) the installation. Probably explains why I didn’t post about it at the time.

But since a month has passed between then and now...I can show you some of the extra bits of flair we’ve added.

This is a grouping of artwork that caught my attention in a catalogue and I thought, yes! I knew the black and white would be fun in this area—and allow for other pops of color elsewhere.

I actually hung them on these awesome magnetic frames which allow things to be super interchangeable. And, I used command strips so I didn’t have to put holes in the new wall!

The next addition—that we randomly happened upon several weeks later—required holes, but they were small and they were totally worth it. Check out the fun global map! It’s a triptic (I think that’s the right word; did it make me sound smart??) made of carved wood. Super cool.

I wouldn’t have guessed that care, but the kiddos have really been into the decor changes. ;) And I should not that I’ve already removed one of the black and white prints (temporarily) to display some more sophisticated, priceless artwork.

On the left, I give you Chica’s dragon.

On the right, Chicklet’s spider.


I mean, I luuuurv that they luuuuurv having their artwork featured on the wall. And it’s so easy breezy with our magnetic hangers! And so appropriate for our playroom. Because above all else, I always want this to remain our happy, play space. :)

The last artwork addition for the time being is this other global map—one that was actually purchased(from HomeGoods) before the accent wall, the black and white prints, and the wooden global map. It was the start of it all!

This pic has terrible lighting and does it no justice, but it’s a really cool, water-color looking print in just the perfect colors for the space. I’d seen it a couple years ago in the store and wanted to buy it but had no place for it. So I passed and always regretted it. So when I happened upon another print of it a few months ago, I snatched it up immediately and was so thrilled!

So. I think that’s it (for now), ha.

But I gotta say, it’s been pretty dang fun to tackle this refresh as time and budget and inspiration allows. I’ve sort of come to realize that the hubby and I tend to really enjoy having some sort of home project—small or large—brewing.

And my babies and I have always been sooooo happy up there in that playroom, that I just love that we’ve tweaked it to reflect this next stage of their crazy, playing antics.

So, yay, for a little refreshing fun!

And, YAY for my blogging abilities returned to me!!!

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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