Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chica’s First Field Trip!


Chica’s been looking forward to her kindergarten field trip since, well, the first dang week of the school year, ha.

And like most kiddos at her elementary who walk, bike, or are driven daily by parents, she was also ecstatically, over-the-moon excited about riding a school bus (her report afterwards: “they don’t have seat belts!”).

But despite her excitement over the big day, I’d been a little bummed since the permission slip arrived in her backpack, knowing I’d miss out on the fun of being an official chaperone (something I just couldn’t do with Chicklet and Little Man, obviously).

Never fear! The story ends well for all!

Because after chatting up a handful of my mom friends, I decided to just go for it and bring my youngest two along and participate in whatever way I could. And it worked perfectly!

Chicklet and Little Man were crazy pumped about going on the field trip, too (even though they had no idea what it was), and we timed the arrival fantastically, if I do say so myself. ;)

The Dallas World Aquarium is alllll the way downtown, so the fact that we made it, navigated parking and snagged our tickets just as the buses were pulling up was a minor miracle. And Chica was so dang happy to see us there!

Each kiddo had already been assigned a classroom parent/chaperone the day before, so we were able to seamlessly sink up with Chica’s group of four girlies and the Mom who was responsible for them (someone I already knew casually).

We managed to stay for about half of the allotted time that the kindergarteners were there, but I think we saw 95% of everything in the building. Those kiddos scurry so dang fast—especially fueled by their excitement, ha.

It was absolute mass chaos in the best sort of way, ha. The kind of nuts that makes you wonder how a dozen kiddos aren’t lost on every stinking field trip.

And I gotta say—all of Chica’s peers who ever interact with my youngest two are always so welcoming and accommodating. And it make my babies feel so big and included and happy.

It really was a fun outing and one I’m soooo glad I didn’t miss. Sure, it was a lot of work. And, YES, I was doubly exhausted by the end of the day (especially considering I’m still sick, oye), but such a happy day.

I’m sure I’ll blink and before I know it, these two will be on their kindergarten field trips.

And I’ll be crying into my Cheerios.


So here’s to powering through some chaos to stay involved when possible!

These are the golden days, m’peeps.

Oh, and as a sign off, please adore the freaking cuteness of Chica’s written field trip list she made the night before and hung on the fridge. She was on it. Determined to do it up right and follow the teacher’s directions!

Stay with the teacher.

Wear tennis shoes.

Do not get lost.

Wear green shirt.

I mean, I die.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out.

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