Sunday, April 8, 2018

Happy Outdoor Pics

So...we went from gorgeousness, Spring beautimus-maximus one day to freezing, mother-loving arctic the next. And I had to drag out the winter coats I’d optimistically washed and put away. Booooo.


The sick ick, it finally got me.

The household has been congested and hacking this past week, but the yuck took me down with a sledgehammer this morning, nothankyouverymuch.

With the hubby as my parent buddy, I was able to muddle through most of the day. But I was gifted the most amazing pass-out-coma-style nap this afternoon that my body sooooo needed.

I’m talking hard core sleep.

I was out for nearly two hours and it felt like ten (plus a Mack Truck).

And it’s been a looooong time since I’ve had a nap.


Moral of my rambling:

1. It was beautiful.
2. Then it got cold.
3. And I got sick.
4. But I got a nap.
5. And now I’m gonna wish the warm and pretty back by sharing these gratuitous pics from last Wednesday when we had fun outdoor time, but I didn’t get a chance to post.

Most are from some afternoon play by the neighborhood creek, but some are from the morning, right after Chicklet’s dance class.

And all are happy. :)

One lovely benefit of the sick and the cold this weekend: we had a lot of low-key, golf-watching family play and chill time at home, and it was a lovely thing.

Over and out.

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