Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Summer Of Extremes?

Okay, so let’s get really really realsies here, peeps.

We’re two weeks into summer...and I now know exactly why I strategically arranged our calendar to have company or an out of town excursion about, oh, let’s say, every two freaking weeks of the summer.

Because these kiddos, they are a lot.

And I’m gonna need a lot o’ mini diversions to make it through with my mental and emotional sanity, ha.

That said, I’m noticing a funny pattern of extreme highs and lows.

We’ve either been blissfully happy, entertained, lazy and playful...or, we’ve been a catastrophic explosion of bad behavior, cranky attitudes and frustrating hours. And there’s really been no in between, ha.

But so far, we’re favoring the good days in number—and believe me, I’ve been keeping track!

So I’m just gonna keep on keeping on with my tactic of giving myself major Mama pep talks and attitude adjustments after the bad days so they don’t happen in sequential order!

Like today, for example, when I started fresh after a baaaaad day yesterday (“She stabbed me with a fork!” “He stole my animal!” “He ruined my creation!” “She’s not my sister anymore!”) and decided to FUN my children into happy attitudes—especially in lieu of our impending out-of-town adventure mañana.

So we went out for a special Mama/all-my-kiddos breakfast, then we went to one of our favorite indoor play places, and then to The Dollar Store to top it all off with a cheap treat. 

And my babies, they were happy.

MAN, is it exhausting keeping them from each other’s throats, ha.

And not once, but a gazillion times today, I had the grace to stop and think of all the monetary indulgences I’m able to utilize to help turn the attitude ship around. And it’s not lost on me how incredibly blessed we are.

Because smiles and kindness are always free.

But lots of the stuff we do to create those happy attitudes certainly isn’t.

And I try so hard to make my kiddos aware of that.

And speaking of blessings...we’re on a family adventure tomorrow to see The Uncles, and to say my kiddos have been ready to go for weeks is a vast understatement.

The girlies each packed a backpack this afternoon and slept with it right beside their respective beds, lest we forget that we’re waking up and heading straight to the airport—finally

And in case you were wondering what kind of “essentials” a tiny tot deems necessarily for an out of town excursion, lemme tell ya. ‘Cause their backpacks include but are not limited to:

- a plastic lizard
- a tiara
- a stuffed, pink owl
- a flute
- a picture frame (previously two pixture frames until I dictated one was enough)
- a round memory box filled with seashells (previously two memory boxes, until I suggested the one with the swim class ribbons could remain behind)
- a Hawaiian flower lei 
- a plastic ghost

I mean...heaven help our trek through airport security.

Okay, I’m off to sleep before an early morning.

More (fun) soon!

Over and out.

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